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java.awt.datatransfer Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package java.awt.datatransfer as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this, and additions are shown like this.
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Class Clipboard

A class which implements a mechanism to transfer data using cut/copy/paste operations. @version 1.10 0412 02/2202/9900 @author Amy Fowler

Class ClipboardOwner

Defines the interface for classes that will provide data to a clipboard. @version 1.5 097 02/2102/9800 @author Amy Fowler

Class DataFlavor

Each instance represents the opaque concept of a data format as would appear on a clipboard during drag and drop or in a file system.

DataFlavor objects are constant and never change once instantiated.

@version 1.48 3302/08/00 @author Blake Sullivan @author Laurence P. G. Cable @author Jeff Dunn
Class DataFlavor, constructor DataFlavor(String)

Construct a DataFlavor from a Mime Type string. The string mustcan specify a "class=" parameter into order to succeed in constructing acreate a DataFlavor with the desired DataFlavorrepresentation class. If the string does not contain "class=" parameter is used as default. @param mimeType the string used to identify the MIME type for this flavor. If the the mimeType does notclass specify aspecified by "class=" parameter or if the class is not successfully loaded then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Class DataFlavor, boolean equals(DataFlavor)

Compare this DataFlavor against anotherTwo DataFlavors are considered equal DataFlavorif and only objectif their MIME primary bothtype and mimeTypesubtype and representationClassrepresentation class are consideredequal. Additionally if the primary type is "text" the charset parameter must also be equal. If either DataFlavor is of primary type "text" but no charset is specified the platform default charset is assumed for that DataFlavor. @return if the DataFlavors represent exactly the same type.
Class DataFlavor, boolean equals(Object)

If the object is an instance of DataFlavor representationClass and MIME type will be compared. This method does not use equals(String) whilemethod so it willdoes not bereturn iftrue the object is afor the objects of String type. @return if the objects are equal
Class DataFlavor, boolean equals(String)

Compare only the mineTypemimeType against the passed in String and representationClass is not considered in the comparison. If representationClass needs to be compared then equals(new DataFlavor(s)) may be used. @deprecated As inconsistent with hashCode() contract use isMimeTypeEqual(String) instead. @return if the String (MimeType) is equal
Class DataFlavor, int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hashtables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable. The general contract ofthis hashCodeDataFlavor is: Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application. IfFor two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produceDataFlavors the same integer resulthash codes are equal. It isFor notthe requiredString that if two objects are unequal accordingmatches to the java.langDataFlavor.Object#equals(java.lang.ObjectString) method then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hashtables. As much asit is reasonably practical the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinctnot integers forguaranteed that distinctDataFlavor's objects.hash (Thiscode is typically implemented byequal convertingto the internalhash addresscode of the object into an integer but this implementation technique is not required by the JavaTM programming languageString.) @return a hash code value for this object. @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) @see java.util.HashtableDataFlavor
Class DataFlavor, boolean isMimeTypeEqual(String)

Is the string representation of the MIME type passed in equivalent to the MIME type of this DataFlavor Parameters are not incuded in the comparison. This may involve adding default attributes for some MIME types (like adding charset=US-ASCII to text/plain MIME types that have no charset parameter specified) When null is passed as a parameter the result is false. @return if the string representation of the MIME type passed is equivalent to the MIME type of this DataFlavor.
Class DataFlavor, DataFlavor plainTextFlavor

The DataFlavor representing plain text with unicode encoding where:

representationClass = InputStream
mimeType = "text/plain; charset=unicode"

This DataFlavor has been deprecated because (1) Its representation is an InputStream an 8-bit based representation while Unicode is a 16-bit character set; and (2) The charset "unicode" is not well-defined. "unicode" implies a particular platform's implementation of Unicode not a cross-platform implementation. @deprecated as of 1.3. Use DataFlavor.getReaderForText( Transferable) instead of Transferable. getTransferData(DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor).

Class FlavorMap

The FlavorMap is an interface to a map that maps platform native type names (strings) to MIME type strings and also their associated DataFlavors.

This map is used by the DnD system to map platform data types to MIME types to enable the transfer of objects between Java and the platform via the platform DnD System.

@see SystemFlavorMap @version 1.914 02/02/00 @since JDK11.2

Class StringSelection

A classTransferable which implements the capability required to transfer a simpleString. javaThis StringTransferable properly supports DataFlavor.stringFlavor and all equivalent flavors. Support for DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor and all in plain textequivalent flavors is formatdeprecated. No other DataFlavors are supported. @see java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.stringFlavor @see java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor
Class StringSelection, constructor StringSelection(String)

Creates a transferableTransferable object capable of transferring the specified string in plain text formatString.
Class StringSelection, Object getTransferData(DataFlavor)

IfReturns the Transferable's data wasin the requested in theDataFlavor if "java.langpossible.String" If the desired flavor returnis DataFlavor.stringFlavor or an equivalent flavor the String representing the selection is returned. If the desired flavor is DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor or an equivalent flavor a Reader is returned. Note: The behavior of this method for DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor and equivalent DataFlavors is inconsistent with the definition of DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor. @param flavor the requested flavor for the data @exceptionreturn the data in the requested flavor as outlined above. @throws UnsupportedFlavorException if the requested data flavor is not supported in theequivalent to either "javaDataFlavor.langstringFlavor or DataFlavor.StringplainTextFlavor". flavor@see
Class StringSelection, DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors()

Returns thean array of flavors in which itthis Transferable can provide the data. DataFlavor.stringFlavor is properly supported. Support for DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor is deprecated. @return an array of length two whose elements are DataFlavor. stringFlavor and DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor.
Class StringSelection, boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor)

Returns whether the requested flavor is supported by this objectTransferable. @param flavor the requested flavor for the data @return true if flavor is equal to DataFlavor.stringFlavor or DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor false otherwise.

Class SystemFlavorMap

The SystemFlavorMap is an externally configurable map that maps platform native type names (strings) to MIME type strings and also their associated DataFlavors.

This map is used by the DnD system to map platform data types to MIME types to enable the transfer of objects between Java and the platform via the platform DnD System.

@version 1.1119 02/02/00 @since JDK11.2

Class Transferable

Defines the interface for classes that can be used to provide data for a transfer operation. @version 1.6 098 02/2102/9800 @author Amy Fowler

Class UnsupportedFlavorException

Signals that the requested data is not supported in this flavor. @see Transferable#getTransferData @version 1.6 098 02/2102/9800 @author Amy Fowler