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JButton object that draws a scaled Arrow in one of the cardinal directions.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
17 0819 02/2802/9800 @author David Kloba
Factory object that can vend Borders appropriate for the basic L & F. @version 1.15 0420 02/2202/9900 @author Georges Saab @author Amy Fowler
ThisDrawsborder drawsthebordersborder aroundboth ofthecontainedsplitpane.components in the theTo work correctly yousplitter.shoudlIt isalso install averyborder onoddthe divider (property SplitPaneDivider.border).
Button Listener @version 1.Class BasicButtonListener, void uninstallKeyboardActions(JComponent)39 1146 02/0302/9800 @author Jeff Dinkins @author Arnaud Weber (keyboard UI support)
Unregister's default key actions@see #registerKeyboardActions
BasicButton implementation @version 1.97 04100 02/2202/9900 @author Jeff Dinkins
BasicCheckboxMenuItem implementation @version 1.47 0849 02/2602/9800 @author Georges Saab @author David Karlton @author Arnaud Weber
CheckboxUI implementation for BasicCheckboxUIWarning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
31 0833 02/2802/9800 @author Jeff Dinkins
Provides the basic look and feel for a JColorChooser.@version 1.
23 0825 02/2602/9800 @author Tom Santos @author Steve Wilson
The default editor for editable combo boxes @version 1.9 0517 02/0902/9800 @author Arnaud Weber
ComboBox rendererWarning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
10 0816 02/2802/9800 @author Arnaud Weber
Basic UI for JComboBox. This class adds and removes components from the JComboBox. The arrow button and the editor are managed by this object. The popup menu is handled by BasicComboPopup. BasicComboPopup supplies this class with a MouseListener MouseMotionListener and a KeyListener. These listeners are added to the arrow button and the JComboBox by default. Subclasses of BasicComboBoxUI should attach the listeners to whichever components they like. installListeners() is where listeners get added to the JComboBox (and model). configureEditor() is where listeners get added to the editor. configureArrowButton() is where listeners get added to the arrow button. Inner classes for handling events: FocusHandler ItemHandler ListDataHandler PropertyChangeHandler KeyHandler @version 1.Class BasicComboBoxUI, void uninstallKeyboardActions()94 11103 07/0210/9899 @author Arnaud Weber @author Tom Santos
Removes thekeyboard actions thatfocus InputMap andwere added by installKeyboardActions()ActionMap.
This is an implementation of the ComboPopup interface. It is primarily for use by BasicComboBoxUI and its subclasses. BasicComboPopup extends JPopupMenu because most combo boxes use a popup menu to display the list of possible selections. BasicComboBoxUI only requires a ComboPopup so subclasses of BasicComboBoxUI aren't required to use this class. All event handling is handled by createxxxListener() methods and internal classes. You can change the behavior of this class by overriding the createxxxListener() methods and supplying your own event listeners or subclassing from the ones supplied in this class. Inner classes for handling events: InvocationMouseHandler InvocationMouseMotionHandler InvocationKeyHandler ListSelectionHandler ListDataHandler ListMouseHandler ListMouseMotionHandler PropertyChangeHandler ItemHandlerWarning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
21 1032 02/3002/9800 @author Tom Santos
Basic L&F for a minimized window on a desktop. @version 1.25 0827 02/2602/9800 @author David Kloba @author Steve Wilson @author Rich Schiavi
Basic L&F for a desktop. @version 1.27 0436 02/2202/9900 @author Steve Wilson
Provides the look and feel for a JEditorPane.Class BasicEditorPaneUI, void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @author Timothy Prinzing @version 1.
18 0823 02/2809/9800
This method gets called when a bound property is changed on the associated JTextComponent. This is a hook which UI implementations may change to reflect how the UI displays bound properties of JTextComponent subclasses. This is implemented todorebuildnothing (i.e.theresponse to properties inActionMapJTextComponent itself are handledbasedprioruponto callinganthisEditorKitmethod)change. @param evt the property change event
Factory object that can vend Icons appropriate for the basic L & F.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
21 0422 02/2202/9900 @author David Kloba @author Georges Saab
The class that manages a basic title barWarning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
28 0433 02/2202/9900 @author David Kloba @author Steve Wilson
A basic L&F implementation of JInternalFrame. @version 1.57 0974 01/2721/0001 @author David Kloba @author Rich Schiavi
A Windows L&F implementation of LabelUI. This implementation is completely static i.e. there's only one UIView implementation that's shared by all JLabel objects. @version 1.65 0469 02/2202/9900 @author Hans Muller
A Windows L&F implementation of ListUI.@version 1.
50 0454 02/2202/9900 @author Hans Muller @author Philip Milne
The ListDataListener that's added to the JLists model at installUI time and whenever the JList.model property changes.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @see JList#getModel @see #
maybeUpdateLayoutmaybeUpdateLayoutState @see #createListDataListener @see #installUI
The PropertyChangeListener that's added to the JList at installUI time. When the value of a JList property that affects layout changes we set a bit in updateLayoutStateNeeded. If the JLists model changes we additionally remove our listeners from the old model. Likewise for the JList selectionModel.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @see #
maybeUpdateLayoutmaybeUpdateLayoutState @see #createPropertyListenercreatePropertyChangeListener @see #installUI
@return The origin of the index'th cell null if index is invalid. @see ListUI#indexToLocation
Implements the a standard base LookAndFeel class from which standard desktop LookAndFeel classes (JLF Mac Windows etc.) can be derived. This class cannot be instantiated directly however the UI classes "Basic" defines can be.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
144 04160 11/2227/9900 @author unattributed
A default L&F implementation of MenuBarUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller. @version 1.71 0474 02/2202/9900 @author Georges Saab @author David Karlton @author Arnaud Weber
BasicMenuItem implementation @version 1.87101 04/2205/9900 @author Georges Saab @author David Karlton @author Arnaud Weber @author Fredrik Lagerblad
A default L&F implementation of MenuUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller. @version 1.120 04130 01/2221/9901 @author Georges Saab @author David Karlton @author Arnaud Weber
Provides the basic look and feel for a JOptionPane. BasicMessagePaneUI provides a means to place an icon message and buttons into a Container. The layout will look like:
------------------ | i | message | | c | message | | o | message | | n | message | ------------------ | buttons | |________________|icon is an instance of Icon that is wraped inside a JLabel. The message is an opaque object and is tested for the following: if the message is a Component it is added to the Container if it is an Icon it is wrapped inside a JLabel and added to the Container otherwise it is wrapped inside a JLabel.The Container message icon and buttons are all determined from abstract methods. @version 1.
30 1036 02/3002/9800 @author James Gosling @author Scott Violet @author Amy Fowler
BasicPanel implementation @version 1.4 086 02/2602/9800 @author Steve Wilson
Provides the Windows look and feel for a password field. The only difference from the standard text field is that the view of the text is simply a string of the echo character as specified in JPasswordField rather than the real text contained in the field. @author Timothy Prinzing @version 1.24 0826 02/2602/9800
A Basic L&F implementation of PopupMenuSeparatorUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller. @version 1.6 118 02/0502/9800 @author Jeff Shapiro
A Windows L&F implementation of PopupMenuUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller. @version 1.66 0471 11/2227/9900 @author Georges Saab @author David Karlton @author Arnaud Weber
A Basic L&F implementation of ProgressBarUI. @version 1.Class BasicProgressBarUI, int getCellLength()41 0945 02/0102/9800 @author Michael C. Albers
Returns the width (if HORIZONTAL) or height (if VERTICAL) of each of the indivdual cells/units to be rendered in the progress bar. However for text rendering simplification and aesthetic considerations this function will return 1 when the progress string is being rendered. @return the value representing the spacing between cells @see #setCellLength @see JProgressBarClass BasicProgressBarUI, int getCellSpacing().#isStringPainted
Returns the spacing between each of the cells/units in the progress bar. However for text rendering simplification and aesthetic considerations this function will return 0 when the progress string is being rendered. @return the value representing the spacing between cells @see #setCellSpacing @see JProgressBar.#isStringPainted
BasicRadioButtonMenuItem implementation @version 1.39 0841 02/2602/9800 @author Georges Saab @author David Karlton
RadioButtonUI implementation for BasicRadioButtonUI @version 1.57 0861 02/2602/9800 @author Jeff Dinkins
Implementation of ScrollBarUI for the Basic Look and Feel @version 1.Class BasicScrollBarUI, Dimension getMaximumThumbSize()52 0457 02/2202/9900 @author Rich Schiavi @author David Kloba @author Hans Muller
Return thesmallestlargest acceptable size for the thumb.If the scrollbar becomes so small that this size isn't available the thumb will be hidden.To create a fixed size thumb one make this method andgetMinimumThumbSize
return the same value.Warning : the value returned by this method should not be be modified it's a shared static constant. @return The
smallestlargest acceptable size for the thumb. @see #getMinimumThumbSize
A default L&F implementation of ScrollPaneUI. @version 1.43 1052 02/3002/9800 @author Hans Muller
A Basic L&F implementation of SeparatorUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller. @version 1.18 1120 02/0502/9800 @author Georges Saab @author Jeff Shapiro
A Basic L&F implementation of SliderUI. @version 1.74 0481 02/2202/9900 @author Tom Santos
DefinesAs of Java 2 platform v1.3 this undocumented class is no longer used. The recommended approach to creating bindings is to use a combination of anActionMap
to contain the action and anInputMap
to contain the mapping from KeyStroke to action description. The InputMap is is usually described in the LookAndFeel tables.Please refer
totakethe key bindings specification forwhen scrolledfurther details.This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug. This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class. Instantiate it only within subclasses of
Divider used by BasicSplitPaneUI. Subclassers may wish to override paint to do something more interesting. The border effect is drawn in BasicSplitPaneUI so if you don't like that border reset it there. To conditionally drag from certain areas subclass mousePressed and call super when you wish the dragging to begin.Class BasicSplitPaneDivider, Insets getInsets()Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
30 0538 02/1002/9900 @author Scott Violet
Class BasicSplitPaneDivider, Dimension getMinimumSize()DeterminesIfthe insets of this container which indicate the size of the container'sa border. A Frame object for examplehasa top inset thatbeencorresponds to the height ofset on this component returns theframeborder'stitleinsets else callsbarsuper.getInsets. @return theinsetsvalue ofthis container.the@seeinsetsjava.awtproperty.Insets@seejava.awt.LayoutManager @since JDK1.1#setBorder
Returnsthe minimumdividerSize xsize of this container. @return an instance of Dimension that represents the minimum size of this container. @see java.awt.Container#getPreferredSize @see java.awt.Container#getLayout @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) @see java.awt.Component#getMinimumSize @since JDK1.1dividerSize
A Basic L&F implementation of the SplitPaneUI. @version 1.50 0459 02/2202/9900 @author Scott Violet @author Steve Wilson @author Ralph Kar
Returns the left inset unless the InsetsClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager, void layoutContainer(Container)orare null in which case 0 is returned.
Class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager, void resetToPreferredSizes()CalculatesDoes the actual layout.
ResetsMarks thecachedreceiversizesso that the next time this instance is layed out it'll ask for the preferred sizes.
Returns the availableClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager, int getInitialLocation(Insets)heightwidth based on the container size and Insets.
Returns theClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager, int getPreferredSizeOfComponent(Component)topleft inset unless the Insetsorare null in which case 0 is returned.
Returns theClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager, int getSizeOfComponent(Component)heightwidth of the passed in Components preferred size.
Returns theClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager, Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container)heightwidth of the passed in component.
Returns the minimum size needed to contain the children. TheClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager, Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container)heightwidth is the sum of all the childrens minheightswidths and thewidthheight is the largest of the childrens minimumwidthsheights.
Returns the preferred size needed to contain the children. TheClass BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager, void setComponentToSize(Component, int, int, Insets, Dimension)heightwidth is the sum of all the childrens preferredheightswidths and thewidthheight is the largest of the childrens preferredwidthsheights.
Sets theheightwidth of the component c to be size placing its x locationtoatinsets.leftlocation y tolocationthe insets.top andwidthheight to the containersize.widthheight less thelefttop andrightbottom insets.
As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this method is no longer used. Subclassers previously using this method should instead create an Action wrapping the ActionListener and register that Action by overridingClass BasicSplitPaneUI, ActionListener createKeyboardEndListener()installKeyboardActions
and placing the Action in the SplitPane's ActionMap. Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details.Creates a ActionListener for the JSplitPane UI that listens for specific key presses. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this method is no longer used. Subclassers previously using this method should instead create an Action wrapping the ActionListener and register that Action by overridingClass BasicSplitPaneUI, ActionListener createKeyboardHomeListener()installKeyboardActions
and placing the Action in the SplitPane's ActionMap. Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details.Creates a ActionListener for the JSplitPane UI that listens for specific key presses. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this method is no longer used. Subclassers previously using this method should instead create an Action wrapping the ActionListener and register that Action by overridingClass BasicSplitPaneUI, ActionListener createKeyboardResizeToggleListener()installKeyboardActions
and placing the Action in the SplitPane's ActionMap. Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details.Creates a ActionListener for the JSplitPane UI that listens for specific key presses. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this method is no longer used. Subclassers previously using this method should instead create an Action wrapping the ActionListener and register that Action by overridingClass BasicSplitPaneUI, ActionListener createKeyboardUpLeftListener()installKeyboardActions
and placing the Action in the SplitPane's ActionMap. Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details.Creates a ActionListener for the JSplitPane UI that listens for specific key presses. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this method is no longer used. Subclassers previously using this method should instead create an Action wrapping the ActionListener and register that Action by overridingClass BasicSplitPaneUI, int getDividerBorderSize()installKeyboardActions
and placing the Action in the SplitPane's ActionMap. Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details.Creates a ActionListener for the JSplitPane UI that listens for specific key presses. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this method is no longer used. Instead you should set the border on the divider.Class BasicSplitPaneUI, int getDividerLocation(JSplitPane)Returns the width of one side of the divider border. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3 instead set the border on the divider.
Returns the location of the divider which may differ from what the splitpane thinks the location of the divider is.Class BasicSplitPaneUI, ActionListener keyboardUpLeftListener
Class BasicSplitPaneUI, KeyStroke upKeyThe handlers thatAs of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no longer used. Key bindings arehandlingnow defined by thekeystrokesLookAndFeel please refer to the key bindings specification forkeyboardfurther details. @deprecated As ofnavigationJava 2 platform v1.3.
The keystrokes thatAs of Javathe2 platform v1.3 thisJSplitPanepreviously undocumented field issupposedno longer used. Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel please refer tohandlethe key bindings specification for further details. @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3.
A Basic L&F implementation of TabbedPaneUI. @version 1.79 0487 06/2208/99 @author Amy Fowler @author Philip Milne @author Steve Wilson @author Tom Santos @author Dave Moore
BasicTableHeaderUI implementation @version 1.40 0853 02/2602/9800 @authorPhilipAlanMilneChung @authorAlanPhilipChungMilne
BasicTableUI implementation @version 1.83 04102 02/2202/9900 @author Philip Milne
This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug. This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class. Instantiate it only within subclasses of BasicTableUI.As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this class is no longer used. Instead
to dispatch the event to the currentTableCellEditor
Return the maximum size of the table. The maximum height is the rowClass BasicTableUI, Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent)height (plus inter-cell spacing)heighttimestimesthe number of rows. The maximum width is the sum of the maximum widths of each column(plus inter-cell spacing).
Return the minimum size of the table. The minimum height is the row heightClass BasicTableUI, Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent)(plus inter-cell spacing)times the number of rows. The minimum width is the sum of the minimum widths of each column(plus inter-cell spacing).
Return the preferred size of the table. The preferred height is the row height(plus inter-cell spacing)times the number of rows. The preferred width is the sum of the preferred widths of each column(plus inter-cell spacing).
Provides the look and feel for a plain text editor. In this implementation the default UI is extended to act as a simple view factory.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @author Timothy Prinzing @version 1.
54 1060 02/2002/9800
Basis of a look and feel for a JTextField.Class BasicTextFieldUI, void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @author Timothy Prinzing @version 1.
77 0882 02/2802/9800
This method gets called when a bound property is changed on the associated JTextComponent. This is a hook which UI implementations may change to reflect how the UI displays bound properties of JTextComponent subclasses.This is implemented to do nothing (i.e. the response to properties in JTextComponent itself are handled prior to calling this method).@param evt the property change event
Provides the look and feel for a styled text editor.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @author Timothy Prinzing @version 1.
59 0861 02/2802/9800
Class BasicTextUI, Rectangle getVisibleEditorRect()Basis of a text components look-and-feel. This provides the basic editor view and controller services that may be useful when creating a look-and-feel for an extension of JTextComponent.
Most state is held in the associated JTextComponent as bound properties and the UI installs default values for the various properties. This default will install something for all of the properties. Typically a LAF implementation will do more however. At a minimum a LAF would generally install key bindings.
This class also provides some concurrency support if the Document associated with the JTextComponent is a subclass of AbstractDocument. Access to the View (or View hierarchy) is serialized between any thread mutating the model and the Swing event thread (which is expected to render do model/view coordinate translation etc). Any access to the root view should first aquire a read-lock on the AbstractDocument and release that lock in a finally block.
An important method to define is the #getPropertyPrefix method which is used as the basis of the keys used to fetch defaults from the UIManager. The string should reflect the type of TextUI (eg. TextField TextArea etc) without the particular LAF part of the name (eg Metal Motif etc).
To build a view of the model one of the following strategies can be employed.
- One strategy is to simply redefine the ViewFactory interface in the UI. By default this UI itself acts as the factory for View implementations. This is useful for simple factories. To do this reimplement the #create method.
- A common strategy for creating more complex types of documents is to have the EditorKit implementation return a factory. Since the EditorKit ties all of the pieces necessary to maintain a type of document the factory is typically an important part of that and should be produced by the EditorKit implementation.
- A less common way to create more complex types is to have the UI implementation create a. seperate object for the factory. To do this the #createViewFactory method should be reimplemented to return some factory.
Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @author Timothy Prinzing @version 1.
28 1143 02/2009/9800
Gets the allocation to give the root View. Due to an unfortunate set of historical events this method is inappropriately named. The Rectangle returned has nothing to do with visibility. The component must have a non-zero positive size for this translation to be computed. @return the bounding box for the root viewClass BasicTextUI, Rectangle modelToView(JTextComponent, int)
Converts the given location in the model to a place in the view coordinate system. The component must have a non-zero positive size for this translation to be computed. @param tc the text component for which this UI is installed @param pos the local location in the model to translate >= 0 @return the coordinates as a rectangle null if the model is not painted @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not represent a valid location in the associated document @see TextUI#modelToViewClass BasicTextUI, Rectangle modelToView(JTextComponent, int, Bias)
Converts the given location in the model to a place in the view coordinate system. The component must have a non-zero positive size for this translation to be computed. @param tc the text component for which this UI is installed @param pos the local location in the model to translate >= 0 @return the coordinates as a rectangle null if the model is not painted @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not represent a valid location in the associated document @see TextUI#modelToViewClass BasicTextUI, int viewToModel(JTextComponent, Point)
Converts the given place in the view coordinate system to the nearest representative location in the model. The component must have a non-zero positive size for this translation to be computed. @param tc the text component for which this UI is installed @param pt the location in the view to translate. This should be in the same coordinate system as the mouse events. @return the offset from the start of the document >= 0 -1 if not painted @see TextUI#viewToModelClass BasicTextUI, int viewToModel(JTextComponent, Point, Bias[])
Converts the given place in the view coordinate system to the nearest representative location in the model. The component must have a non-zero positive size for this translation to be computed. @param tc the text component for which this UI is installed @param pt the location in the view to translate. This should be in the same coordinate system as the mouse events. @return the offset from the start of the document >= 0 -1 ifnotthe component doesn't yet havepainteda positive size. @see TextUI#viewToModel
BasicToggleButton implementation@version 1.
46 0852 02/2623/9800 @author Jeff Dinkins
A Basic L&F implementation of ToolBarSeparatorUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller.@version 1.
5 087 02/2602/9800 @author Jeff Shapiro
A Basic L&F implementation of ToolBarUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller.@version 1.
53 0461 01/2221/9901 @author Georges Saab @author Jeff Shapiro
Standard tool tip L&F.@version 1.
29 0430 02/2202/9900 @author Dave Moore
The basic L&F for a hierarchical data structure.Class BasicTreeUI, void updateCachedPreferredSize()@version 1.
106 04113 07/2220/99 @author Scott Violet
Updates thepreferredSize
instance variable which is returned fromgetPreferredSize()
TheFor left to right orientations the size is determined from the current AbstractLayoutCache. For RTL orientations the preferred size becomes the width minus the minimum x position.
The interface which defines the kind of popup menu that BasicComboBoxUI requires. Classes that implement this interface don't have to extend JPopupMenu. This interface demands very little so alternatives to JPopupMenu can be used.Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for long term persistence. @version 1.
7 089 02/2802/9800 @author Tom Santos
The default layout manager for Popup menus and menubars. This class is an extension of BoxLayout which adds the UIResource tag so that plauggable L&Fs can distinguish it from user-installed layout managers on menus. @version 1.2 084 02/2602/9800 @author Georges Saab