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org.omg.CORBA Documentation Differences

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SignifiesA constant that signifies an "output" argument to an invocation meaning that the argument is being passed from the server to the client. ARG_OUT.value is one of the possible values used to indicate the direction in which a parameter is being passed during a dynamic invocation using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII).

The code fragment below shows a typical usage:

 ORB orb = ORB.init(args null); org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue nv = orb.create_named_value( "argumentIdentifier" myAny org.omg.CORBA.ARG_OUT.value); 
@version 1.5 09/09/97 @see org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue @since JDK1.2

Class Any

Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. An Any object is used as a component of a NamedValue object which provides information about arguments or return values in requests and which is used to define name/value pairs in Context objects.

An Any object consists of two parts:

  1. a data value
  2. a TypeCode object describing the type of the data value contained in the Any object. For example a TypeCode object for an array contains a field for the length of the array and a field for the type of elements in the array. (Note that in this case the second field of the TypeCode object is itself a TypeCode object.)

A large part of the Any class consists of pairs of methods for inserting values into and extracting values from an Any object.

For a given primitive type X these methods are:

void insert_X(X x)
This method allows the insertion of an instance x of primitive type X into the value field of the Any object. Note that the method insert_X also resets the Any object's type field if necessary.
X extract_X()
This method allows the extraction of an instance of type X from the Any object.

This method throws the exception BAD_OPERATION under two conditions:

  1. the type of the element contained in the Any object is not X
  2. the method extract_X is called before the value field of the Any object has been set

There are distinct method pairs for each primitive IDL data type (insert_long and extract_long insert_string and extract_string and so on).

The class Any also has methods for getting and setting the type code for testing two Any objects for equality and for reading an Any object from a stream or writing it to a stream.
@version 1.12 09/09/97 @since JDK1.2

Class Any, boolean equal(Any)

Checks for equality between this Any object and the given Any object. Two Any objects are equal if both their values and type codes are equal. @param a the Any object to test for equality @return true if the Any objects are equal; false otherwise @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class Any, Object extract_Object()

Extracts the org.omg.CORBA.Object in this Any object's value field. @return the org.omg.CORBA.Object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than an org.omg.CORBA.Object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, Principal extract_Principal()

Extracts the Principal object in this Any object's value field. Note that the class Principal has been deprecated. @return the Principal object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a Principal object or the value field has not yet been set @deprecated Deprecated by CORBA 2.2.
Class Any, TypeCode extract_TypeCode()

Extracts the TypeCode object in this Any object's value field. @return the TypeCode object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a TypeCode object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, Serializable extract_Value()

Extracts the object in this Any object's value field. @return the object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, Any extract_any()

Extracts the Any object in this Any object's value field. @return the Any object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than an Any object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, boolean extract_boolean()

Extracts the boolean in this Any object's value field. @return the boolean stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a boolean or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, char extract_char()

Extracts the char in this Any object's value field. @return the char stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a char or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, double extract_double()

Extracts the double in this Any object's value field. @return the double stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a double or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, BigDecimal extract_fixed()

Extracts the java.math.BigDecimal object in this Any object's value field. @return the java.math.BigDecimal object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a java.math.BigDecimal object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, float extract_float()

Extracts the float in this Any object's value field. @return the float stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a float or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, int extract_long()

Extracts the int in this Any object's value field. @return the int stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than an int or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, long extract_longlong()

Extracts the long in this Any object's value field. @return the long stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a long or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, byte extract_octet()

Extracts the byte in this Any object's value field. @return the byte stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a byte or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, short extract_short()

Extracts the short in this Any object's value field. @return the short stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a short or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, String extract_string()

Extracts the String object in this Any object's value field. @return the String object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a String object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, int extract_ulong()

Extracts the int in this Any object's value field. @return the int stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than an int or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, long extract_ulonglong()

Extracts the long in this Any object's value field. @return the long stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a long or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, short extract_ushort()

Extracts the short in this Any object's value field. @return the short stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a short or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, char extract_wchar()

Extracts the char in this Any object's value field. @return the char stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a char or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, String extract_wstring()

Extracts the String object in this Any object's value field. @return the String object stored in this Any object @exception BAD_OPERATION if this Any object contains something other than a String object or the value field has not yet been set
Class Any, void insert_Object(Object, TypeCode)

Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Object object into this Any object's value field. @param o the org.omg.CORBA.Object instance to insert into this Any object @param t the TypeCode object that is to be inserted into this Any object and that describes the Object being inserted @exception BAD_OPERATION if this method is invalid for this Any object
Class Any, void insert_Value(Serializable, TypeCode)

Inserts the given object into this Any object's value field. @param v the object to insert into this Any object @param t the TypeCode object that is to be inserted into this Any object's type field and that describes the object being inserted @throws MARSHAL if the ORB has a problem marshalling or unmarshalling parameters
Class Any, void insert_char(char)

Inserts the given char into this Any object's value field. @param c the char to insert into this Any object @exception DATA_CONVERSION if there is a data conversion error
Class Any, void insert_string(String)

Inserts the given String object into this Any object's value field. @param s the String object to insert into this Any object @exception DATA_CONVERSION if there is a data conversion error @exception MARSHAL if the ORB has a problem marshalling or unmarshalling parameters
Class Any, void insert_wstring(String)

Inserts the given String object into this Any object's value field. @param s the String object to insert into this Any object @exception MARSHAL if the ORB has a problem marshalling or unmarshalling parameters
Class Any, TypeCode type()

Returns type information for the element contained in this Any object. @return the TypeCode object containing type information about the value contained in this Any object.

Class CompletionStatus, CompletionStatus from_int(int)

Creates a CompletionStatus object from the given int. @param i one of _COMPLETED_YES _COMPLETED_NO or _COMPLETED_MAYBE @return one of the possible CompletionStatus objects with values: _COMPLETED_YES _COMPLETED_NO or _COMPLETED_MAYBE @exception org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM if the argument given is not one of the int constants defined in CompletionStatus

Class Context, NVList get_values(String, int, String)

Retrieves the NamedValue objects whose name field matches the given name or name pattern. This method allows for wildcard searches which means that there can be multiple matches and therefore multiple values returned. If the property is not found at the indicated level the search continues up the context object tree until a match is found or all Context objects in the chain have been exhausted.

If no match is found an error is returned and no property list is returned. @param start_scope a String object indicating the context object level at which to initiate the search for the specified properties (for example "_USER" "_GROUP" "_SYSTEM"). Valid scope names are implementation-specific. If a scope name is omitted the search begins with the specified context object. If the specified scope name is not found an exception is returned. @param op_flags an operation flag. The one flag that may be specified is CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE. If this flag is specified searching is limited to the specified start_scope or this Context object. @param pattern the property name whose values are to be retrieved. pattern may be a name or a name with a trailing wildcard character ("*"). @return an NVList containing all the property values (in the form of NamedValue objects) whose associated property name matches the given name or name pattern @see org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue

Class Context, void set_values(NVList)

I Sets one or more property values in this Context object. The NVList supplied to this method contains one or more NamedValue objects. In each NamedValue object the name field holds the name of the property and the flags field must be set to zero. The NamedValue object's value field contains an Any object which in turn contains the value for the property. Since the value is always a string the Any object must have the kind field of its TypeCode set to TCKind.tk_string. @param values an NVList containing the property names and associated values to be set @see org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue @see org.omg.CORBA.Any

Class Current

An interface that makes it possible to access information associated with a particular thread of execution such as security information or a transaction identifier. An ORB or CORBA service that needs its own thread-specific state extends the org/omg/CORBA package's /Current. Users of the service can obtain an instance of the appropriate Currentjava interfaceGenerated by invoking ORB.resolve_initial_references. For example the Security service obtains the Current relevant IDL-to it by invoking-Java compiler ORB.resolve_initial_references("SecurityCurrent"portable); A CORBA service does not have to useversion this method of keeping context but may choose to do so"3. Methods on classes that implement from Current access state associated with the thread in which they are invoked not state associated with the thread0" from which the Current was obtained. Current objects must not be exported to other processes or externalized with ORB.object_to_string/. If any attempt is made to do so the offending operation will raise a MARSHAL system exception./../../../src/share/classes/org/omg/PortableServer/corba.idl @seeSaturday portableJuly package comments17 1999 for12:26:21 unimplementedAM featuresPDT.

Class DefinitionKind

ThisThe class definesthat provides the constants used to identify the type of an Interface Repository object. This class contains two kinds of constants those that are an int and those that are an instance of the class DefinitionKind. This class provides the method from_int which given one of the int constants creates the corresponding DefinitionKind instance. It also provides the method value which returns the int constant that is the value for a DefinitionKind instance. @see IRObject
Class DefinitionKind, DefinitionKind from_int(int)

Returns theCreates a DefinitionKind instance corresponding to the given code . @param i one of the int constants from the class DefinitionKind @return the DefinitionKind instance corresponding to the given code @throws org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM if the given parameter is not one of athe int constants from the class DefinitionKind.
Class DefinitionKind, int value()

Returns the codeint constant identifying the type of an IR object. @return the codeint constant from the class DefinitionKind that is the value of this DefinitionKind. instance
Class DefinitionKind, DefinitionKind dk_all

The wildcard definitionDefinitionKind kindconstant useful in all occasions where any DefinitionKind is appropriate. The ContainersContainer's contents method makes use of this constant to return all contained definitions of any kind.

Class DynAny

An object that enables the dynamic management of Any valuesorg. A DynAny object allows a program to use an Any object when the program has no static information about the type of the Any objectomg. The DynAny interface provides methods for traversing the data value associated with an CORBA.Any object at run time and for extracting thevalues can be dynamically interpreted primitive(traversed) constituents of the data valueand constructed through DynAny objects. A DynAny object is associated with a data value thatwhich may correspond to a copy of the value inserted into an Any object. The DynAny object may be seen as owning a pointer to an external buffer that holds some representation of the data value. For data values that are constructed types (IDL struct sequence array union and so on) the DynAny object also can be thought of as holding a pointer to a buffer offset where the current component of the constructed type is being represented. The buffer pointer effectively points to theAPIs space usedenable traversal to represent the first component of the data value when the programmer creates the DynAny object. Calling the DynAny method next will move the pointer to the next component making it possible to iterate through the components of a constructed data value. The buffer pointer is moved back to the first component each time the method rewind is called. DynAny methods make it possible to do the following: Obtain the type code associated with a DynAny object Initialize a DynAny object from another DynAny object Initialize a DynAny object from an Any value Generate an Any value from a DynAny object Destroy a DynAny object Create a copy of a DynAny object Access a value of some basic type in a DynAny object Iterate through components of a DynAny object Inserting a basic data type value into a constructed DynAny object implies initializing the next component of the constructed data value associated with the DynAny object. For example invoking the method insert_boolean in a DynStruct implies inserting a boolean data value as the next member of the associated struct data value. Creating a DynAny object can be done by: invoking a method on an existing DynAny object invoking an org.omg.CORBA.ORB methodat (create_dyn_any create_dyn_struct create_dyn_sequenceruntime and so on) Dynamic creation of an Any object containing a value of a basic data type typically involves the following: Creating a DynAny object using ORB.create_basic_dyn_any passing it the type code associated with the basic data type value to be created Initializing the value by means of invoking methods on the resulting DynAny object (insert_boolean if the DynAny isextraction of type boolean for example) Creating the Any object by invoking the method to_any on the initialized DynAny object Dynamic creation of an Any object containing aprimitive valueconstituents of a constructed data type typically involves the following: Creating a DynAny object using the appropriate ORB method (for example ORB.create_dyn_struct for an IDL struct) passing it the type code associated with the constructed data type value to be created Initializing components of the value by means of: invoking methods on the resulting DynStruct (or other constructed type) object call the method current_component to get a DynAny object for that component call the appropriate insert method on the DynAny object returned by the method current_component to initialize the component call the method next to move to the next component and continue to get the current component initialize it and move to the next component until there are no more components (the method next returns false) or invoking methods on the DynAny objects generated for each member of the constructed type Creating the Any object by invoking the method to_any on the initialized DynAny object DynAny objects are intended to be local to the process in which they are created and used. Any method that attempts to export references to DynAny objects to other processes or to externalize them with the method org.omg.CORBA.ORB.object_to_string will throw a MARSHAL exception. Also even though DynAny objects are derived from the interface Object invoking methods from Object will throw the NO_IMPLEMENT exception. An attempt to use a DynAny object with the DII (Dynamic Invocation Interface) may throw a NO_IMPLEMENT exception. The following classes are derived from DynAny and define additional methods relevant to their particular IDL type: DynFixed DynStruct DynSequence DynArray DynUnion DynEnum DynAny and DynValue.
Class DynAny, void assign(DynAny)

InitializesCopy the valuecontents associated withfrom one this DynAny object with the value associatedDynamic withAny the given DynAnyinto objectanother. @param dyn_any the DynAny object whose value willcontents be usedare assigned to initialize this DynAny object. @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.Invalid if the givensource DynAny object has a type code that is not equivalent or has not been assigned a valueinvalid
Class DynAny, DynAny copy()

CloneClones this DnyAnyDynAny object. @return thea copy of this DynAny. object
Class DynAny, DynAny current_component()

Returns a DynAny object reference that can be used to get/set the value of the component currently accessed. The appropriate or insert method can be called on the resulting DynAny object to initialize the component. The appropriate get method can be called on the resulting DynAny object to extract the value of the component. @return a DynAny object reference that can be used to retrieve or set the value of the component currently accessed
Class DynAny, void from_any(Any)

InitializesMake the value associated with thisa DynAny object with the value associated withfrom the givenan Any object. @param value the Any object whose value will be used to initialize this DynAny object. @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.Invalid if the givensource Any object has a type code that is not equivalentempty or has not been assigned a valuebad
Class DynAny, Any get_any()

Retrieves the org.omg.CORBA.Any contained in this DynAny object. @return the org.omg.CORBA.Any that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for aan org.omg.CORBA.Any
Class DynAny, boolean get_boolean()

Retrieves the boolean contained in this DynAny object. @return the boolean that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a boolean
Class DynAny, char get_char()

Retrieves the char contained in this DynAny object. @return the char that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a char
Class DynAny, double get_double()

Retrieves the double contained in this DynAny object. @return the double that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a double
Class DynAny, float get_float()

Retrieves the float contained in this DynAny object. @return the float that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a float
Class DynAny, int get_long()

Retrieves the int contained in this DynAny object. @return the int that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a int
Class DynAny, long get_longlong()

Retrieves the long contained in this DynAny object. @return the long that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a long
Class DynAny, byte get_octet()

Retrieves the byte contained in this DynAny object. @return the byte that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a byte
Class DynAny, Object get_reference()

Retrieves the org.omg.CORBA.Other contained in this DynAny object. @return the org.omg.CORBA.Other that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for an org.omg.CORBA.Other
Class DynAny, short get_short()

Retrieves the short contained in this DynAny object. @return the short that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a short
Class DynAny, String get_string()

Retrieves the String contained in this DynAny object. @return the String that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a String
Class DynAny, TypeCode get_typecode()

Retrieves the org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode contained in this DynAny object. @return the org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode
Class DynAny, int get_ulong()

Retrieves the int contained in this DynAny object. @return the int that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a int
Class DynAny, long get_ulonglong()

Retrieves the long contained in this DynAny object. @return the long that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a long
Class DynAny, short get_ushort()

Retrieves the short contained in this DynAny object. @return the short that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a short
Class DynAny, Serializable get_val()

Retrieves the object contained in this DynAny object. @return the object that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a object
Class DynAny, char get_wchar()

Retrieves the char contained in this DynAny object. @return the char that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a char
Class DynAny, String get_wstring()

Retrieves the String contained in this DynAny object. @return the String that is the value for this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch if the type code of the accessed component in this DynAny object is not equivalent to the type code for a String
Class DynAny, void insert_any(Any)

Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Any object as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the org.omg.CORBA.Any object to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_boolean(boolean)

Inserts the given boolean as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the boolean to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_char(char)

Inserts the given char as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the char to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_double(double)

Inserts the given double as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the double to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_float(float)

Inserts the given float as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the float to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_long(int)

Inserts the given int as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the int to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_longlong(long)

Inserts the given long as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the long to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_octet(byte)

Inserts the given byte as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the byte to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_reference(Object)

Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Object as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the org.omg.CORBA.Object to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_short(short)

Inserts the given short as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the short to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_string(String)

Inserts the given String object as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the String to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_typecode(TypeCode)

Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_ulong(int)

Inserts the given int as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the int to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_ulonglong(long)

Inserts the given long as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the long to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_ushort(short)

Inserts the given short as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the short to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_val(Serializable)

Inserts the given object as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the object to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_wchar(char)

Inserts the given char as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the char to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, void insert_wstring(String)

Inserts the given String as the value for this DynAny object.

If this method is called on a constructed DynAny object it initializes the next component of the constructed data value associated with this DynAny object. @param value the String to insert into this DynAny object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the value inserted is not consistent with the type of the accessed component in this DynAny object

Class DynAny, Any to_any()

CreatesConvert an Any object from this DynAny object. The type code and value of thisa DynAny object are copied into theto newly-createdan Any object. @return the newly-created Any object. @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.Invalid if this DynAny object hasis not beenempty or correctlybad. created or does not contain a meaningful value
Class DynAny, TypeCode type()

RetrievesReturns the TypeCode object contained in this DynAny object. Note thatof the type code associated with a DynAny object is initialized at the time DynAny is created and cannot be changed duringinserted the lifetime ofinto thethis DynAny object. @return the TypeCode object describing the value contained in this DynAny object.

Class DynArray, Any[] get_elements()

ReturnReturns the value of all the elements of thethis array. @return anthe array of Anys. objects that is the value for this DynArray object @see #set_elements
Class DynArray, void set_elements(Any[])

SetSets the valuesvalue of all elements ofthis anDynArray array represented by thisobject to the given DynArrayarray. @param value the array of Anys. objects @exception InvalidSeq if the sequence is bad. @see #get_elements

Class DynFixed

TheRepresents DynFixed interface represents a DynAny object whichthat is associated with an IDL fixed type.
Class DynFixed, byte[] get_value()

ReturnReturns the value of the fixed type represented in thethis DynFixed object. @return the value as a byte array @see #set_value
Class DynFixed, void set_value(byte[])

SetSets the value of thegiven fixed type instance intoas the value for this DynFixed object. @param val the value of the fixed type as a byte array @throws org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue if the given argument is bad @see #get_value

Class DynSequence

The DynArray interfacerepresentation of represents a DynAny object whichthat is associated with an IDL sequence.
Class DynSequence, Any[] get_elements()

ReturnReturns all the value of all elementsevery element in this sequence. @return an array of Anys. objects containing the values in the sequence @see #set_elements
Class DynSequence, int length()

ReturnReturns the length of the sequence represented inby this DynFixed object. @return an integerthe length. of the sequence
Class DynSequence, void length(int)

SetSets the length of the sequence represented inby this DynFixed object to the given argument. @param arg the length. of the sequence
Class DynSequence, void set_elements(Any[])

SetSets the values of all elements in this sequence with the given array. @param value the array of Anys. objects to be set @exception InvalidSeq is thrown if the array of values is bad. @see #get_elements

Class DynStruct

The DynStruct interfacerepresentation of represents a DynAny object whichthat is associated with an IDL struct.
Class DynStruct, TCKind current_member_kind()

ReturnReturns the TypeCodeTCKind object that describes the kind of the current member. @return the TCKind. object that describes the current member
Class DynStruct, String current_member_name()

During a traversal returnreturns the name of the current member. @return the string name of the current member.
Class DynStruct, NameValuePair[] get_members()

ReturnReturns an array ofcontaining all the members of the stored struct. @return the array of name-value pairs. @see #set_members
Class DynStruct, void set_members(NameValuePair[])

Set the members of the struct. @param value the array of name-value pairs. @throws org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidSeq if the given argument is invalid @see #get_members

Class DynValue, TCKind current_member_kind()

ReturnReturns the TypeCodeTCKind kindobject that ofdescribes the current member. @return the TCKind object corresponding to the current member.
Class DynValue, String current_member_name()

ReturnReturns the name of the current member while traversing a DynAny whichobject that represents a Value object. @return the name of the current member.
Class DynValue, NameValuePair[] get_members()

ReturnReturns an array containing all the members of the value object stored in this DynValue. @return an array of name-value pairs. @see #set_members
Class DynValue, void set_members(NameValuePair[])

SetSets the members of athe value object this DynValue object represents to the given array of NameValuePair objects. @param value the array of name-value pairs to be set @throws org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage.InvalidSeq if an inconsistent value is part of the given array @see #get_members

Class ORB, void connect(Object)

Connects the given servant object (a Java object that is an instance of the server implementation class) to the ORB. The servant class must extend the ImplBase class corresponding to the interface that is supported by the server. The servant must thus be a CORBA object reference and inherit from org.omg.CORBA.Object. Servants created by the user can start receiving remote invocations after the method connect has been called. A servant may also be automatically and implicitly connected to the ORB if it is passed as an IDL parameter in an IDL method invocation on a non-local object that is if the servant object has to be marshalled and sent outside of the process address space.

Calling the method connect has no effect when the servant object is already connected to the ORB.

Deprecated by the OMG in favor of the Portable Object Adapter APIs. @param obj the servant object reference @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features

Class ORB, TypeCode create_abstract_interface_tc(String, String)

Create a TypeCode object for an IDL abstract interface. @param id the logical id for the abstract interface type. @param name the name of the abstract interface type. @return the requested TypeCode. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynAny create_basic_dyn_any(TypeCode)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynAny create_dyn_any(Any)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynArray create_dyn_array(TypeCode)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynEnum create_dyn_enum(TypeCode)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynSequence create_dyn_sequence(TypeCode)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynStruct create_dyn_struct(TypeCode)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, DynUnion create_dyn_union(TypeCode)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, TypeCode create_fixed_tc(short, short)

Create a TypeCode object for an IDL fixed type. @param digits specifies the total number of decimal digits in the number and must be from 1 to 31 inclusive. @param scale specifies the position of the decimal point. @return the requested TypeCode. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, TypeCode create_native_tc(String, String)

Create a TypeCode object for an IDL native type. @param id the logical id for the native type. @param name the name of the native type. @return the requested TypeCode. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, Policy create_policy(int, Any)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, TypeCode create_recursive_tc(String)

Create a recursive TypeCode object which serves as a placeholder for a concrete TypeCode during the process of creating TypeCodes which contain recursion. The id parameter specifies the repository id of the type for which the recursive TypeCode is serving as a placeholder. Once the recursive TypeCode has been properly embedded in the enclosing TypeCode which corresponds to the specified repository id it will function as a normal TypeCode. Invoking operations on the recursive TypeCode before it has been embedded in the enclosing TypeCode will result in undefined behavior.

For example the following IDL type declarations contain recursion:

 Struct Foo { long value; Sequence <Foo> Chain; }; Struct Bar { public Bar member; }; 

To create a TypeCode for struct Bar you would invoke the TypeCode creation operations as shown below:

 String barID = "IDL:Bar:1.0"; TypeCode recursiveTC = orb.create_recursive_tc(barID); StructMember[] members = { new StructMember("member" recursiveTC null) }; TypeCode structBarTC = orb.create_struct_tc(barID "Bar" members); 
@param id the logical id of the referenced type. @return the requested TypeCode. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, TypeCode create_string_tc(int)

Creates a TypeCode object representing a bounded IDL string. The TypeCode object is initialized with the given bound which represents the maximum length of the string. Zero indicates that the string described by this type code is unbounded. @param bound the bound for the string; cannot be zeronegative @return a newly-created TypeCode object describing a bounded IDL string @exception BAD_PARAM if zerobound is supplied as a parameternegative value
Class ORB, TypeCode create_value_box_tc(String, String, TypeCode)

CreateCreates a TypeCode object for an IDL value typebox. The concrete_base parameter is the TypeCode@param forid the immediate concrete valuetype base of thelogical valuetypeid for which the TypeCode is being created. It may be null if the valuetype does not have a concretevalue base.type @param idname the logical idname forof the value type. @param nameboxed_type the name ofTypeCode for the value type. @return the requested TypeCode. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, TypeCode create_value_tc(String, String, short, TypeCode, ValueMember[])

Create a TypeCode object for an IDL value type. The concrete_base parameter is the TypeCode for the immediate concrete valuetype base of the valuetype for which the TypeCode is being created. It may be null if the valuetype does not have a concrete base. @param id the logical id for the value type. @param name the name of the value type. @param type_modifier one of the value type modifier constants: VM_NONE VM_CUSTOM VM_ABSTRACT or VM_TRUNCATABLE @param concrete_base a TypeCode object describing the concrete valuetype base @param members an array containing the members of the value type @return the requested TypeCode. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, TypeCode create_wstring_tc(int)

Creates a TypeCode object representing a bounded IDL wstring (wide string). The TypeCode object is initialized with the given bound which represents the maximum length of the wide string. Zero indicates that the string described by this type code is unbounded. @param bound the bound for the wstring; cannot be zeronegative @return a newly-created TypeCode object describing a bounded IDL wstring @exception BAD_PARAM if zerobound is supplied as a parameternegative value
Class ORB, void disconnect(Object)

Disconnects the given servant object from the ORB. After this method returns the ORB will reject incoming remote requests for the disconnected servant and will send the exception org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST back to the remote client. Thus the object appears to be destroyed from the point of view of remote clients. Note however that local requests issued using the servant directly do not pass through the ORB; hence they will continue to be processed by the servant.

Calling the method disconnect has no effect if the servant is not connected to the ORB.

Deprecated by the OMG in favor of the Portable Object Adapter APIs. @param obj The servant object to be disconnected from the ORB @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features

Class ORB, Current get_current()

Retrieves a Current object. The Current interface is used to manage thread-specific information for use by services such as transactions and security. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features @return a newly-created Current object @deprecated use resolve_initial_references. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, boolean get_service_information(short, ServiceInformationHolder)

See package comments regarding unimplemented features. @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, Object resolve_initial_references(String)

Resolves a specific object reference from the set of available initial service names. @param object_name the name of the initial service as a string @return the object reference associated with the given name @exception InvalidName if the given name is not associated with a known service
Class ORB, void shutdown(boolean)

Instructs the ORB to shut down which causes all object adapters to shut down. If the wait_for_completion parameter is true this operation blocks until all ORB processing (including processing of currently executing requests object deactivation and other object adapter operations) has completed. The method will return after shutdown has been called. @param wait_for_completion true to indicate that the ORB should complete processing before shutting down; false to indicate that the ORB should shut down immediately @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class ORB, boolean work_pending()

Returns true if the ORB needs the main thread to perform some work and false if the ORB does not need the main thread. @return true if there is work pending meaning that the ORB needs the main thread to perform some work; false if there is no work pending and thus the ORB does not need the main thread @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features

Class Object, DomainManager[] _get_domain_managers()

Retrieves the DomainManagers of this object. This allows administration services (and applications) to retrieve the domain managers and hence the security and other policies applicable to individual objects that are members of the domain. @return Thethe list of immediately enclosing domain managers of this object. At least one domain manager is always returned in the list since by default each object is associated with at least one domain manager at creation.

Class Policy

The org/omg/CORBA/Policy interface provides a mechanism for ORBs and Object to allow accessGenerated by the IDL-to certain choices-Java thatcompiler affect(portable) theirversion operation"3. This information is accessed in a0" structuredfrom manner../../../../../src/share/classes/org/omg/PortableServer/corba.idl using interfaces derived fromSaturday July 17 1999 the12:26:20 org.omg.CORBA.PolicyAM interface.PDT

Class SetOverrideType, SetOverrideType from_int(int)

Converts the given int to the corresponding SetOverrideType instance. @param i the int to convert. It must be one of the int constants in the class SetOverrideType. @return the SetOverrideType instance whose value matches the given int @exception BAD_PARAM if the given int does not match the value of any SetOverrideType instance
Class SetOverrideType, SetOverrideType ADD_OVERRIDE

The SetOverrideType constant for the enum value ADD_OVERRIDE.
Class SetOverrideType, SetOverrideType SET_OVERRIDE

The SetOverrideType constant for the enum value SET_OVERRIDE.

Class TypeCode

A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.

TypeCode objects are used:

The representation of a TypeCode object is opaque but abstractly a TypeCode object consists of:

TypeCode objects can be obtained in various ways:
  1. from a call to the method Any.insert_X where X is a basic IDL type. This method creates a TypeCode object for type X and assigns it to the Any object's type field.
  2. from invocations of methods in the ORB class

    For example the following creates a TypeCode object for a string with a maximum of 30 characters:

     org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode tcString = orb.create_string_tc(30); 

    The following creates a TypeCode object for an array of five strings:

     org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode tcArray = orb.create_array_tc( 5 TCKind.tk_string); 

    The following creates a TypeCode object for an interface named "Account":

     org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode tcInterface = orb.create_interface_tc( "thisId" "Account"); 
  3. as the return value from the _type method in Holder classes for user-defined IDL types. These Holder classes are generated by the idltojava compiler.
  4. from a CORBA Interface Repository

Most of the methods in the class TypeCode are accessors and the information contained in a TypeCode object is specific to a particular type. Therefore methods must be invoked only on the kind of type codes to which they apply. If an accessor method tries to access information from an inappropriate kind of type code it will throw the exception TypeCodePackage.BadKind. For example if the method discriminator_type is called on anything other than a union it will throw BadKind because only unions have a discriminator. The following list shows which methods apply to which kinds of type codes:

These methods may be invoked on all TypeCode kinds:

These methods may be invoked on objref struct union enum alias exception value value_box native and abstract_interface:

These methods may be invoked on struct union enum and exception:

These methods may be invoked on struct union and exception:

These methods may be invoked on union:

These methods may be invoked on string sequence and array:

These methods may be invoked on alias sequence array and value_box:

Unlike other CORBA pseudo-objects TypeCode objects can be passed as general IDL parameters.

The methods parameter and param_count which are deprecated are not mapped.

Java IDL extends the CORBA specification to allow all operations permitted on a struct TypeCode to be permitted on an exception TypeCode as well.

@version 1.25 09/09/97

Class TypeCode, TypeCode concrete_base_type()

Returns the TypeCode object that describes the concrete base type of the value type that this TypeCode object describes. Returns null if it doesn't have a concrete base type. @return the TypeCode object that describes the concrete base type of the value type that this TypeCode object describes @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if this method is invoked on a non-boxed value type TypeCode object @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class TypeCode, TypeCode content_type()

Returns the TypeCode object representing the IDL type for the members of the object described by this TypeCode object. For sequences and arrays it returns the element type. For aliases it returns the original type. Note that multidimensional arrays are represented by nesting TypeCode objects one per dimension. For boxed valuetypes it returns the boxed type.

The method content_type can be invoked on sequence array alias and boxed valuetype TypeCode objects. @return a TypeCode object representing the element type for sequences and arrays the original type for aliases or the boxed type for boxed valuetypes. @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, int default_index()

Returns the index of the default member or -1 if there is no default member.

The method default_index can be invoked only on union TypeCode objects. @return the index of the default member or -1 if there is no default member @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on a non-union TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, TypeCode discriminator_type()

Returns a TypeCode object describing all non-default member labels. The method discriminator_type can be invoked only on union TypeCode objects. @return the TypeCode object describing the non-default member labels @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on a non-union TypeCode object
Class TypeCode, boolean equivalent(TypeCode)

Tests to see if the given TypeCode object is equivalent to this TypeCode object.

Not implemented; see package comments. @param tc the typecode to compare with this typecode @return true if the given typecode is equivalent to this typecode; false otherwise @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features

Class TypeCode, short fixed_digits()

Returns the number of digits in the fixed type described by this TypeCode object. For example the typecode for the number 3000.275d could be fixed< 3> where 7 is the precision and 3 is the scale. @return the total number of digits @throws org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if this method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class TypeCode, short fixed_scale()

Returns the scale of the fixed type described by this TypeCode object. A positive number indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For example the number 3000d could have the typecode fixed< 0> where the first number is the precision and the second number is the scale. A negative number is also possible and adds zeroes to the left of the decimal point. In this case fixed< -3> could be the typecode for the number 3000d. @return the scale of the fixed type that this TypeCode object describes @throws org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if this method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class TypeCode, TypeCode get_compact_typecode()

Strips out all optional name &and member name fields but it leaves all alias typecodes intact. @return a TypeCode object with optional name and member name fields stripped out except for alias typecodes which are left intact @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class TypeCode, String id()

Retrieves the RepositoryId globally identifying the type of this TypeCode object.

The method id can be invoked on object reference structure union enumeration alias exception valuetype boxed valuetype native and abstract interface type codes. Object reference exception valuetype boxed valuetype native and abstract interface TypeCode objects always have a RepositoryId. Structure union enumeration and alias TypeCode objects obtained from the Interface Repository or the method ORB.create_operation_list also always have a RepositoryId. If there is no RepositoryId the method can return an empty string. @return the RepositoryId for this TypeCode object or an empty string if there is no RepositoryID @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind ofTypeCode object

Class TypeCode, int length()

Returns the number of elements in the type described by this TypeCode object. For strings and sequences it returns the bound with zero indicating an unbounded string or sequence. For arrays it returns the number of elements in the array.

The method length can be invoked on string sequence and array TypeCode objects. @return the bound for strings and sequences or the number of elements for arrays @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, int member_count()

Retrieves the number of members in the type described by this TypeCode object.

The method member_count can be invoked on structure union and enumeration TypeCode objects. Java IDL extends the CORBA specification to allow this method to operate on exceptions as well. @return the number of members constituting the type described by this TypeCode object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, Any member_label(int)

Retrieves the label of the union member identified by the given index. For the default member the label is the zero octet.

The method member_label can only be invoked on union TypeCode objects. @param index index of the union member for which the label is being requested @return an Any object describing the label of the requested union member or the zero octet for the default member @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds if the index is equal to or greater than the number of members constituting the union @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on a non-union TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, String member_name(int)

Retrieves the simple name of the member identified by the given index. Since names are local to a Repository the name returned from a TypeCode object may not match the name of the member in any particular Repository and may even be an empty string.

The method member_name can be invoked on structure union and enumeration TypeCode objects. Java IDL extends the CORBA specification to allow this method to operate on exceptions as well. @param index index of the member for which a name is being reqested @return simple name of the member identified by the index or an empty string @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds if the index is equal to or greater than the number of members constituting the type @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, TypeCode member_type(int)

Retrieves the TypeCode object describing the type of the member identified by the given index.

The method member_type can be invoked on structure and union TypeCode objects. Java IDL extends the CORBA specification to allow this method to operate on exceptions as well. @param index index of the member for which type information is begin requested @return the TypeCode object describing the member at the given index @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds if the index is equal to or greater than the number of members constituting the type @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind of TypeCode object

Class TypeCode, short member_visibility(int)

Returns the constant that indicates the visibility of the member at the given index. This operation can only be invoked on non-boxed value TypeCode objects. @param index an int indicating the index into the value @return either PRIVATE_MEMBER.value or PUBLIC_MEMBER.value @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if this method is invoked on a non-value type TypeCode object @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds if the given index is out of bounds @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features
Class TypeCode, String name()

Retrieves the simple name identifying this TypeCode object within its enclosing scope. Since names are local to a Repository the name returned from a TypeCode object may not match the name of the type in any particular Repository and may even be an empty string.

The method name can be invoked on object reference structure union enumeration alias exception valuetype boxed valuetype native and abstract interface TypeCode objects. @return the name identifying this TypeCode object or an empty string @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if the method is invoked on an inappropriate kind ofTypeCode object

Class TypeCode, short type_modifier()

Returns a constant indicating the modifier of the value type that this TypeCode object describes. The constant returned must be one of the following: VM_NONE.value VM_ABSTRACT.value VM_CUSTOM.value or VM_TRUNCATABLE.value @return a constant describing the value type that this TypeCode object describes @exceptionthrows org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind if this method is invoked on a non-value type TypeCode object @see CORBA package comments for unimplemented features