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Class java.awt.image.PackedColorModel

Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed Constructors
PackedColorModel(ColorSpace, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, int, int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Constructs a PackedColorModel from the specified masks which indicate which bits in an int pixel representation contain the alpha red green and blue color samples.
PackedColorModel(ColorSpace, int, int[], int, boolean, int, int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Constructs a PackedColorModel from a color mask array which specifies which bits in an int pixel representation contain each of the color samples and an alpha mask.

Changed Methods
SampleModel createCompatibleSampleModel(int, int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a SampleModel with the specified width and height that has a data layout compatible with this ColorModel.
WritableRaster getAlphaRaster(WritableRaster) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns a WritableRaster representing the alpha channel of an image extracted from the input WritableRaster.
int getMask(int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the mask indicating which bits in a pixel contain the specified color/alpha sample.
int[] getMasks() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns a mask array indicating which bits in a pixel contain the color and alpha samples.
boolean isCompatibleSampleModel(SampleModel) Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks if the specified SampleModel is compatible with this ColorModel.