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Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed Constructors
MulticastSocket(int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Create a multicast socket and bind it to a specific port.
MulticastSocket(void) Documentation changed from old to new.
Create a multicast socket.

Changed Methods
InetAddress getInterface() Documentation changed from old to new.
Retrieve the address of the network interface used for multicast packets.
byte getTTL() Documentation changed from old to new.
use the getTimeToLive method instead, which returns an int instead of a byte.
int getTimeToLive() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on the socket.
void setInterface(InetAddress) Documentation changed from old to new.
Set the multicast network interface used by methods whose behavior would be affected by the value of the network interface.
void setTTL(byte) Documentation changed from old to new.
use the setTimeToLive method instead, which uses int instead of byte as the type for ttl.
void setTimeToLive(int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Set the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on this socket.