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Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed Methods
void clear() Documentation changed from old to new.
Clears this provider so that it no longer contains the properties used to look up facilities implemented by the provider.
Set entrySet() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns an unmodifiable Set view of the property entries contained in this Provider.
Set keySet() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns an unmodifiable Set view of the property keys contained in this provider.
void load(InputStream) Documentation changed from old to new.
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
Object put(Object, Object) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the key property to have the specified value.
void putAll(Map) Documentation changed from old to new.
Copies all of the mappings from the specified Map to this provider.
Object remove(Object) Documentation changed from old to new.
Removes the key property (and its corresponding value).
Collection values() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns an unmodifiable Collection view of the property values contained in this provider.