Changed Methods |
void addBatch()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Adds a set of parameters to this PreparedStatement object's batch of commands. |
void clearParameters()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Clears the current parameter values immediately. |
boolean execute()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Executes any kind of SQL statement. |
ResultSet executeQuery()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Executes the SQL query in this PreparedStatement object and returns the result set generated by the query. |
ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the number types and properties of a ResultSet object's columns. |
void setArray(int, Array)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given Array object. |
void setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a java.math.BigDecimal value. |
void setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void setBlob(int, Blob)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given Blob object. |
void setBoolean(int, boolean)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java boolean value. |
void setByte(int, byte)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java byte value. |
void setBytes(int, byte[])
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java array of bytes. |
void setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object which is the given number of characters long. |
void setClob(int, Clob)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given Clob object. |
void setDouble(int, double)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java double value. |
void setFloat(int, float)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java float value. |
void setInt(int, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java int value. |
void setLong(int, long)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java long value. |
void setRef(int, Ref)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given REF(<structured-type>) value. |
void setShort(int, short)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java short value. |
void setString(int, String)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a Java String value. |
void setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void setDate(int, Date)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a value. |
void setDate(int, Date, Calendar)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value using the given Calendar object. |
void setNull(int, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void setNull(int, int, String)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void setObject(int, Object)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object. |
void setObject(int, Object, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void setObject(int, Object, int, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void setTime(int, Time)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Time value. |
void setTime(int, Time, Calendar)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value using the given Calendar object. |
void setTimestamp(int, Timestamp)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value using the given Calendar object. |