Changed Methods |
String getCatalogName(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the designated column's table's catalog name. |
String getColumnClassName(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances are manufactured if the method ResultSet.getObject is called to retrieve a value from the column. |
int getColumnCount()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object. |
int getColumnDisplaySize(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates the designated column's normal maximum width in characters. |
String getColumnLabel(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the designated column's suggested title for use in printouts and displays. |
String getColumnName(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Get the designated column's name. |
int getColumnType(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Retrieves the designated column's SQL type. |
String getColumnTypeName(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Retrieves the designated column's database-specific type name. |
int getPrecision(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Get the designated column's number of decimal digits. |
int getScale(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the designated column's number of digits to right of the decimal point. |
String getSchemaName(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Get the designated column's table's schema. |
String getTableName(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the designated column's table name. |
boolean isAutoIncrement(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether the designated column is automatically numbered thus read-only. |
boolean isCaseSensitive(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether a column's case matters. |
boolean isCurrency(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether the designated column is a cash value. |
boolean isDefinitelyWritable(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether a write on the designated column will definitely succeed. |
int isNullable(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates the nullability of values in the designated column. |
boolean isReadOnly(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable. |
boolean isSearchable(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether the designated column can be used in a where clause. |
boolean isSigned(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers. |
boolean isWritable(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Indicates whether it is possible for a write on the designated column to succeed. |