Changed Methods |
void addMenuListener(MenuListener )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Adds a listener for menu events. |
void addSeparator()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Appends a new separator to the end of the menu. |
PropertyChangeListener createActionChangeListener(JMenuItem )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns a properly configured PropertyChangeListener which updates the control as changes to the Action occur. |
WinListener createWinListener(JPopupMenu )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Creates a window-closing listener for the popup. |
void fireMenuCanceled()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
void fireMenuDeselected()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
void fireMenuSelected()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JMenu. |
int getDelay()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the suggested delay in milliseconds before submenus are popped up or down. |
JMenuItem getItem(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the JMenuItem at the specified position. |
int getItemCount()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the number of items on the menu including separators. |
Component getMenuComponent(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the component at position n . |
int getMenuComponentCount()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the number of components on the menu. |
Component[] getMenuComponents()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns an array of Component s of the menu's subcomponents. |
JPopupMenu getPopupMenu()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the popupmenu associated with this menu. |
MenuElement[] getSubElements()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns an array of MenuElement s containing the submenu for this menu component. |
String getUIClassID()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
void insertSeparator(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Inserts a separator at the specified position. |
boolean isMenuComponent(Component )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns true if the specified component exists in the submenu hierarchy. |
boolean isSelected()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns true if the menu is currently selected (highlighted). |
boolean isTearOff()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns true if the menu can be torn off. |
boolean isTopLevelMenu()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns true if the menu is a 'top-level menu' that is if it is the direct child of a menubar. |
String paramString()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns a string representation of this JMenu . |
void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Processes any focus events such as FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED or FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST . |
void removeAll()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes all menu items from this menu. |
void removeMenuListener(MenuListener )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes a listener for menu events. |
void setAccelerator(KeyStroke )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
setAccelerator is not defined for JMenu . |
void setDelay(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the suggested delay before the menu's PopupMenu is popped up or down. |
void setMenuLocation(int, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the location of the popup component. |
void setModel(ButtonModel )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the data model for the "menu button" -- the label that the user clicks to open or close the menu. |
void setPopupMenuVisible(boolean )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the visibility of the menu's popup. |
void setSelected(boolean )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Sets the selection status of the menu. |
void updateUI()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed. |
Component add(Component )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Appends a component to the end of this menu. |
void doClick(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Programatically performs a "click". |
Component getComponent()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the java.awt.Component used to paint this MenuElement . |
JMenuItem insert(Action, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Inserts a new menu item attached to the specified Action object at a given position. |
JMenuItem insert(JMenuItem, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Inserts the specified JMenuitem at a given position. |
void insert(String, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Inserts a new menu item with the specified text at a given position. |
void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Processes key stroke events for this menu such as mnemonics and accelerators. |
void remove(int )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes the menu item at the specified index from this menu. |
void remove(Component )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes the component c from this menu. |
void remove(JMenuItem )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes the specified menu item from this menu. |