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javax.accessibility Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package javax.accessibility as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this, and additions are shown like this.
If no deletions or additions are shown in an entry, the HTML tags will be what has changed. The new HTML tags are shown in the differences. If no documentation existed, and then some was added in a later version, this change is noted in the appropriate class pages of differences, but the change is not shown on this page. Only changes in existing text are shown here. Similarly, documentation which was inherited from another class or interface is not shown here.
Note that an HTML error in the new documentation may cause the display of other documentation changes to be presented incorrectly. For instance, failure to close a <code> tag will cause all subsequent paragraphs to be displayed differently.

Class AccessibleAction

The AccessibleAction interface should be supported by any object that can perform one or more actions. This interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to determine what those actions are as well as tell the object to perform those actionsthem. Any object that can be manipulated should support this interface. Applications can determine if an object supports the AccessibleAction interface by first obtaining its AccessibleContext (see an then calling the AccessibleContext#getAccessibleAction method. If the return value is not null the object supports this interface. @see Accessible @see Accessible#getAccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleAction @version 1.3 02/04/98 11:12:57 @author Peter Korn @author Hans Muller @author Willie Walker
Class AccessibleAction, boolean doAccessibleAction(int)

PerformPerforms the specified Action on the object @param i zero-based index of actions @return true if the the action was performed; elseotherwise false. @see #getAccessibleActionCount

Class AccessibleBundle

Base class used to maintain a strongly typed enumeration. This is the superclass of AccessibleState and AccessibleRole

The toDisplayString method allows you to obtain the localized string for a locale independent key from a predefined ResourceBundle for the keys defined in this class. This localized string is intended to be readable by humans. @see AccessibleRole @see AccessibleState @version 1.9 0812 10/2605/9899 21:14:01 @author Willie Walker @author Peter Korn @author Lynn Monsanto

Class AccessibleBundle, String toDisplayString()

GetGets localized string describing the key using the default locale. @return a localized String describing the key for the default locale
Class AccessibleBundle, String toDisplayString(Locale)

ObtainObtains the key as a localized string. If a localized string cannot be found for the key the locale independent key stored in the role will be returned. @param locale the locale for which to obtain a localized string @return a localized String for the key.
Class AccessibleBundle, String toDisplayString(String, Locale)

ObtainObtains the key as a localized string. If a localized string cannot be found for the key the locale independent key stored in the role will be returned. This method is intended to be used only by subclasses so that they can specify their own resource bundles which contain localized strings for their keys. @param resourceBundleName the name of the resource bundle to use for lookup @param locale the locale for which to obtain a localized string @return a localized String for the key.
Class AccessibleBundle, String toString()

GetGets localized string describing the key using the default locale. @return a localized String describing the key using the default locale @see #toDisplayString

Class AccessibleComponent

The AccessibleComponent interface should be supported by any object that is rendered on the screen. This interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to determine and set the graphical representation of an object. Applications can determine if an object supports the AccessibleComponent interface by first obtaining its AccessibleContext (see anand then calling the AccessibleContext#getAccessibleComponent method. If the return value is not null the object supports this interface. @see Accessible @see Accessible#getAccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleComponent @version 1.6 087 10/2605/9899 21:14:0800:28 @author Peter Korn @author Hans Muller @author Willie Walker
Class AccessibleComponent, Color getBackground()

GetGets the background color of this object. @return the background color if supported of the object; otherwise null @see #setBackground
Class AccessibleComponent, Cursor getCursor()

GetGets the Cursor of this object. @return the Cursor if supported of the object; otherwise null @see #setCursor
Class AccessibleComponent, Font getFont()

GetGets the Font of this object. @return the Font if supported for the object; otherwise null @see #setFont
Class AccessibleComponent, FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font)

GetGets the FontMetrics of this object. @param f the Font @return the FontMetrics if supported the object; otherwise null @see #getFont
Class AccessibleComponent, Color getForeground()

GetGets the foreground color of this object. @return the foreground color if supported of the object; otherwise null @see #setForeground
Class AccessibleComponent, Point getLocation()

Gets the location of the object relative to the parent in the form of a point specifying the object's top-left corner in the screen's coordinate space. @return An instance of Point representing the top-left corner of the objectsobject's bounds in the coordinate space of the screen; null if this object or its parent are not on the screen @see #getBounds @see #getLocationOnScreen
Class AccessibleComponent, Point getLocationOnScreen()

Returns the location of the object on the screen. @return the location of the object on screen; null if this object is not on the screen @see #getBounds @see #getLocation
Class AccessibleComponent, Dimension getSize()

Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object. The height field of the Dimension object contains this objectsobject's height and the width field of the Dimension object contains this object's width. @return A Dimension object that indicates the size of this component; null if this object is not on the screen @see #setSize
Class AccessibleComponent, boolean isEnabled()

DetermineDetermines if the object is enabled. Objects that are enabled will also have the AccessibleState.ENABLED state set in their AccessibleStateSetAccessibleStateSets. @return true if object is enabled; otherwise false @see #setEnabled @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleStateSet @see AccessibleState#ENABLED @see AccessibleStateSet
Class AccessibleComponent, boolean isFocusTraversable()

Returns whether this object can accept focus or not. Objects that can accept focus will also have the AccessibleState.FOCUSABLE state set in their AccessibleStateSetAccessibleStateSets. @return true if object can accept focus; otherwise false @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleStateSet @see AccessibleState#FOCUSABLE @see AccessibleState#FOCUSED @see AccessibleStateSet
Class AccessibleComponent, boolean isShowing()

DetermineDetermines if the object is showing. This is determined by checking the visibility of the object and visibility of theits object ancestors. Note: this will return true even if the object is obscured by another (for example it to object is underneath a menu that was pulled down). @return true if object is showing; otherwise false
Class AccessibleComponent, boolean isVisible()

DetermineDetermines if the object is visible. Note: this means that the object intends to be visible; however it may not be showing on the screen because one of the objects that this object is contained by is currently not visible. To determine if an object is showing on the screen use isShowing().

Objects that are visible will also have the AccessibleState.VISIBLE state set in their AccessibleStateSetAccessibleStateSets. @return true if object is visible; otherwise false @see #setVisible @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleStateSet @see AccessibleState#VISIBLE @see AccessibleStateSet

Class AccessibleComponent, void setBackground(Color)

SetSets the background color of this object. @param c the new Color for the background @see #setBackground
Class AccessibleComponent, void setCursor(Cursor)

SetSets the Cursor of this object. @param c the new Cursor for the object @see #getCursor
Class AccessibleComponent, void setEnabled(boolean)

SetSets the enabled state of the object. @param b if true enables this object; otherwise disables it @see #isEnabled
Class AccessibleComponent, void setFont(Font)

SetSets the Font of this object. @param f the new Font for the object @see #getFont
Class AccessibleComponent, void setForeground(Color)

SetSets the foreground color of this object. @param c the new Color for the foreground @see #getForeground
Class AccessibleComponent, void setSize(Dimension)

Resizes this object so that it has width and height. @param d - The dimension specifying the new size of the object. @see #getSize
Class AccessibleComponent, void setVisible(boolean)

SetSets the visible state of the object. @param b if true shows this object; otherwise hides it @see #isVisible

Class AccessibleContext

AccessibleContext represents the minimum information all accessible objects return. This information includes the accessible name description role and state of the object as well as information about theits parent and children of the object. AccessibleContext also contains methods for obtaining more specific accessibility information about a component. If the component supports itthem these methods will return an object that implements one or more of the following interfaces:

In the future additional interfaces (e.g. AccessibleTable) may be added and the abstract class AccessibleContext will be updated accordingly. @version 1.17 0229 10/0405/98 11:50:5099 @author Peter Korn @author Hans Muller @author Willie Walker @author Lynn Monsanto
Class AccessibleContext, void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)

AddAdds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. The listener is registered for all Accessible properties and will be called when those properties change. @see #ACCESSIBLE_NAME_PROPERTY @see #ACCESSIBLE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY @see #ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY @see #ACCESSIBLE_VALUE_PROPERTY @see #ACCESSIBLE_SELECTION_PROPERTY @see #ACCESSIBLE_TEXT_PROPERTY @see #ACCESSIBLE_VISIBLE_DATA_PROPERTY @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added
Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleAction getAccessibleAction()

GetGets the AccessibleAction associated with this object that supports one or more actions. @return AccessibleAction if supported by object; else return null @see AccessibleAction
Class AccessibleContext, Accessible getAccessibleChild(int)

ReturnReturns the specified Accessible child of the object. The Accessible children of an Accessible object are zero-based so the first child of an Accessible child is at index 0 the second child is at index 1 and so on. @param i zero-based index of child @return the Accessible child of the object @see #getAccessibleChildrenCount
Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleComponent getAccessibleComponent()

GetGets the AccessibleComponent associated with this object that has a graphical representation. @return AccessibleComponent if supported by object; else return null @see AccessibleComponent
Class AccessibleContext, String getAccessibleDescription()

GetGets the accessibleDescription property of this object. The accessibleDescription property of this object is a short localized phrase describing the purpose of the object. For example in the case of a 'Cancel' button the accessibleDescription could be 'Ignore changes and close dialog box.' @return the localized description of the object; null if this object does not have a description @see #setAccessibleDescription
Class AccessibleContext, int getAccessibleIndexInParent()

GetGets the 0-based index of this object in its accessible parent. @return the 0-based index of this object in its parent; -1 if this object does not have an accessible parent. @see #getAccessibleParent @see #getAccessibleChildrenCount @see #getAccessibleChild
Class AccessibleContext, String getAccessibleName()

GetGets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose of the object. For example the accessibleName property of a label or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the case of an object that doesn't display its name the accessibleName should still be set. For example in the case of a text field used to enter the name of a city the accessibleName for the en_US locale could be 'city.' @return the localized name of the object; null if this object does not have a name @see #setAccessibleName
Class AccessibleContext, Accessible getAccessibleParent()

GetGets the Accessible parent of this object. @return the Accessible parent of this object; null if this object does not have an Accessible parent
Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole()

GetGets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic purpose or use of the class of this object. For example the role of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of components (e.g. use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between sublasses that behave differently (e.g. AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons).

Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible so custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's if the set of predefined roles is inadequate. @return an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object @see AccessibleRole

Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleSelection getAccessibleSelection()

GetGets the AccessibleSelection associated with this object which allows its Accessible children to be selected. @return AccessibleSelection if supported by object; else return null @see AccessibleSelection
Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet()

GetGets the state set of this object. The AccessibleStateSet of an object is composed of a set of unique AccessibleState'sAccessibleStates. A change in the AccessibleStateSet of an object will cause a PropertyChangeEvent to be fired for the ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY property. @return an instance of AccessibleStateSet containing the current state set of the object @see AccessibleStateSet @see AccessibleState @see #addPropertyChangeListener
Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleText getAccessibleText()

GetGets the AccessibleText associated with this object presently editable text on the display. @return AccessibleText if supported by object; else return null @see AccessibleText
Class AccessibleContext, AccessibleValue getAccessibleValue()

GetGets the AccessibleValue associated with this object that supports a Numerical value. @return AccessibleValue if supported by object; else return null @see AccessibleValue
Class AccessibleContext, Locale getLocale()

Gets the locale of the component. If the component does not have a locale then the locale of its parent is returned. @return Thisthis component's locale. If this component does not have a locale the locale of its parent is returned. @exception IllegalComponentStateException If the Component does not have its own locale and has not yet been added to a containment hierarchy such that the locale can be determined from the containing parent.
Class AccessibleContext, void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)

RemoveRemoves a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered for all properties. @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed
Class AccessibleContext, void setAccessibleDescription(String)

SetSets the accessible description of this object. Changing the name will cause a PropertyChangeEvent to be fired for the ACCESSIBLE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY property. @param s the new localized description of the object @see #setAccessibleName @see #addPropertyChangeListener
Class AccessibleContext, void setAccessibleName(String)

SetSets the localized accessible name of this object. Changing the name will cause a PropertyChangeEvent to be fired for the ACCESSIBLE_NAME_PROPERTY property. @param s the new localized name of the object. @see #getAccessibleName @see #addPropertyChangeListener
Class AccessibleContext, void setAccessibleParent(Accessible)

SetSets the Accessible parent of this object. This is meant to be used only in the situations where the actual component's parent should not be treated as the component's accessible parent and is a method that should only be called by the parent of the accessible child. @param a - Accessible to be set as the parent
Class AccessibleContext, String ACCESSIBLE_CARET_PROPERTY

Constant used to determine when the accessibleText caret has changed. has changed. The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be an integer representing the old caret position and the new value will be an integer representing the new/current caret position. @see #addPropertyChangeListener
Class AccessibleContext, String ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY

Constant used to determine when Accessible children are added/removed from the object. If an Accessible child is being added the old value will be null and the new value will be the Accessible child. If an Accessible child is being removed the old value will be the Accessible child and the new value will be null. @see #addPropertyChangeListener
Class AccessibleContext, String ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY

Constant used to determine when the accessibleStateSet property has changed. The old value will be the old AccessibleState and the new value will be the new AccessibleState in the accessibleStateSet. For example if a component that supports the vertical and horizontal states changes its orientation from vertical to horizontal the old value will be AccessibleState.VERTICAL and the new value will be AccessibleState.HORIZONTAL. Please note that either value can also be null. For example when a component changes from being enabled to disabled the old value will be AccessibleState.ENABLED and the new value will be null. @see #getAccessibleStateSet @see AccessibleState @see AccessibleStateSet @see #addPropertyChangeListener
Class AccessibleContext, String ACCESSIBLE_VALUE_PROPERTY

Constant used to determine when the accessibleValue property has changed. The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be a Number representing the old value and the new value will be a Number representing the new value. @see #getAccessibleValue @see #addPropertyChangeListener

Class AccessibleHyperlink

Encapsulation of a link or set of links (e.g. client side imagemap) in a Hypertext document @see Accessible @see Accessible#getAccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext @see AccessibleText @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleText @version 1.9 02/02/00 @author Peter Korn
Class AccessibleHyperlink, boolean doAccessibleAction(int)

PerformPerforms the specified Action on the object @param i zero-based index of actions @return true if the the action was performed; elseotherwise false. @see #getAccessibleActionCount
Class AccessibleHyperlink, Object getAccessibleActionAnchor(int)

ReturnReturns an object that represents the link anchor as appropriate for that link. E.g. from HTML: <a href="">Accessibility</a> this method would return a String containing the text: '"Accessibility'". Similarly from this HTML: <a HREF="#top"><img src="top-hat.gif" alt="top hat"></a> this might return the object ImageIcon("top-hat.gif" "top hat"); @param i zero-based index of the actions @return an Object representing the hypertext anchor @see #getAccessibleActionCount
Class AccessibleHyperlink, String getAccessibleActionDescription(int)

ReturnReturns a String description of this particular link action. This should be a text string associated with anchoring text this should be the anchor text. E.g. from HTML: <a HREF="">Accessibility</a> this method would return "Accessibility". Similarly from this HTML: <a HREF="#top"><img src="top-hat.gif" alt="top hat"></a> this method would return "top hat" @param i zero-based index of the actions @return a String description of the action @see #getAccessibleActionCount
Class AccessibleHyperlink, Object getAccessibleActionObject(int)

ReturnReturns an object that represents the link action as appropriate for that link. E.g. from HTML: <a HREF="">Accessibility</a> this method would return a""); @param i zero-based index of the actions @return an Object representing the hypertext link itself @see #getAccessibleActionCount
Class AccessibleHyperlink, int getEndIndex()

GetGets the index with the hypertext document at which this link ends @return index of end of link
Class AccessibleHyperlink, int getStartIndex()

GetGets the index with the hypertext document at which this link begins @return index of start of link
Class AccessibleHyperlink, boolean isValid()

Since the document a link is associated with may have changed this method returns whether or not this Link is valid anymorestill valid (with respect to the document it references). @return a flag indicating whether this link is still valid with respect to the AccessibleHypertext it belongs to

Class AccessibleHypertext, int getLinkCount()

Returns the number of links within this hypertext docdocument. @return number of links in this hypertext doc.

Class AccessibleResourceBundle

A resource bundle containing the localized strings in the accessibility package. This is meant only for internal use by Java Accessibility and is not meant to be used by assistive technologies or applications. @version %I% %G% %U% @author Willie Walker @deprecated This class is deprecated as of version 1.3 of the Java 2 Platform.

Class AccessibleRole

Class AccessibleRole determines the role of a component. The role of a component describes the componentsits generic function such. as(E.G. "push button " "table " or "list.")

The toDisplayString method allows you to obtain the localized string for a locale independent key from a predefined ResourceBundle for the keys defined in this class.

The constants in this class present a strongly typed enumeration of common object roles. A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class. If the constants in this class are not sufficient to describe the role of an object a subclass should be generated from this class and it should provide constants in a similar manner. @version 1.18 1232 10/0312/97 14:49:2699 @author Willie Walker @author Peter Korn @author Lynn Monsanto

Class AccessibleRole, constructor AccessibleRole(String)

CreateCreates a new AccessibleRole using the given locale independent key. This should not be a public method. Instead it is used to create the constants in this file to make it a strongly typed enumeration. Subclasses of this class should enforce similar policy. @param key the locale independent name of the role. @note The String should be a locale independent key for the role. It is not intended to be used as the actual String to display to the user. To get the localized string use toDisplayString. @see AccessibleBundle#toDisplayString
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole CHECK_BOX

A choice that can be checked or unchecked and provides a separate indicator indicatingfor the current state. @see #PUSH_BUTTON @see #TOGGLE_BUTTON @see #RADIO_BUTTON
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole FRAME

A top level window with a title bar border menu bar etc. It is often used as the primary window for an application. @see #DIALOG @see #CANVAS @see #WINDOW
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole GLASS_PANE

A pane that is guaranteed to be painted on top of all panes beneath it. @see #ROOT_PANE @see #CANVAS
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole LIST

An object that presents a list of objects to the user and allows the user to select one or more of them. A list is usually contained within a scroll pane. @see #SCROLL_PANE @see #LIST_ITEM
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole MENU

An object usually contained infound inside a menu bar that contains a list of actions the user can choose from. A menu can have any object as its children but most often they are menu items other menus or rudimentary objects such as radio buttons check boxes or separators. For example an application may have an "Edit" menu that contains menu items for "Cut" and "Paste." @see #MENU_BAR @see #MENU_ITEM @see #SEPARATOR @see #RADIO_BUTTON @see #CHECK_BOX @see #POPUP_MENU
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole TOGGLE_BUTTON

A specialized push button that can be checked or unchecked but does not provide a separate indicator indicatingfor the current state. @see #PUSH_BUTTON @see #CHECK_BOX @see #RADIO_BUTTON
Class AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole TOOL_BAR

A bar or palette usually composed of push buttons or toggle buttons. It is often used to provide the most oftenfrequently used functions for an application.

Class AccessibleSelection

This AccessibleSelection interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to determine what the current selected children are as well as modify the selection set. Any object that has children that can be selected should support this the AccessibleSelection interface. Applications can determine if an object supports the AccessibleSelection interface by first obtaining its AccessibleContext (see an then calling the AccessibleContext#getAccessibleSelection method. If the return value is not null the object supports this interface. @see Accessible @see Accessible#getAccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleSelection @version 1.7 08/26/98 21:14:11 @author Peter Korn @author Hans Muller @author Willie Walker
Class AccessibleSelection, Accessible getAccessibleSelection(int)

Returns an Accessible representing the specified selected child inof the object. If there isn't a selection or there are fewer children selected than the integer passed in the return value will be null.

Note that the index represents the i-th selected child which is different from the i-th child. @param i the zero-based index of selected children @return the i-th selected child @see #getAccessibleSelectionCount

Class AccessibleState

Class AccessibleState describes a componetscomponent's particular state. The actual state of the component is defined as an AccessibleStateSet which is a composed set of AccessibleStates.

The toDisplayString method allows you to obtain the localized string for a locale independent key from a predefined ResourceBundle for the keys defined in this class.

The constants in this class present a strongly typed enumeration of common object roles. A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class. If the constants in this class are not sufficient to describe the role of an object a subclass should be generated from this class and it should provide constants in a similar manner. @version 1.26 0827 10/2612/98 2199 14:1348:59 @author Willie Walker @author Peter Korn

Class AccessibleState, constructor AccessibleState(String)

CreateCreates a new AccessibleState using the given locale independent key. This should not be a public method. Instead it is used to create the constants in this file to make it a strongly typed enumeration. Subclasses of this class should enforce similar policy. @param key the locale independent name of the state. @note The String should be a locale independent key for the state. It is not intended to be used as the actual String to display to the user. To get the localized string use toDisplayString. @see AccessibleBundle#toDisplayString
Class AccessibleState, AccessibleState FOCUSED

Indicates this object currentcurrently has the keyboard focus. @see #FOCUSABLE

Class AccessibleStateSet

Class AccessibleStateSet determines a componentscomponent's state set. The state set of a component is a set of AccessibleState objects and descriptions. theE.G. The current overall state of the object such as whether it is enabled has focus etc. @see AccessibleState @version 1.9 0810 10/2612/98 2199 15:1405:0034 @author Willie Walker
Class AccessibleStateSet, constructor AccessibleStateSet()

CreateCreates a new empty state set.
Class AccessibleStateSet, constructor AccessibleStateSet(AccessibleState[])

CreateCreates a new state with the initial set of states contained in the array of states passed in. Duplicate entries are ignored. @param state an array of AccessibleState describing the state set.
Class AccessibleStateSet, boolean add(AccessibleState)

AddAdds a new state to the current state set if it is not already present. If the state is already in the state set the state set is unchanged and the return value is false. Otherwise the state is added to the state set and the return value is true. @param state the state to add to the state set @return true if state is added to the state set; false if the state set is unchanged
Class AccessibleStateSet, void addAll(AccessibleState[])

AddAdds all of the states to the existing state set. Duplicate entries are ignored. @param state AccessibleState array describing the state set.
Class AccessibleStateSet, void clear()

RemoveRemoves all the states from the current state set.
Class AccessibleStateSet, boolean contains(AccessibleState)

CheckChecks if the current state is in the state set. @param state the state @return true if the state is in the state set; otherwise false
Class AccessibleStateSet, boolean remove(AccessibleState)

RemoveRemoves a state from the current state set. If the state is not in the set the state set will be unchanged and the return value will be false. If the state is in the state set it will be removed from the set and the return value will be true. @param state the state to remove from the state set @return true isif the state is in the state set; false if the state set will be unchanged
Class AccessibleStateSet, AccessibleState[] toArray()

Returns the current state set as an array of AccessibleState @return AccessibleState array conatiningcontaining the current state.
Class AccessibleStateSet, String toString()

CreateCreates a localized String representing all the states in the set using the default locale. @return comma separated localized String @see AccessibleBundle#toDisplayString

Class AccessibleText, String getAfterIndex(int, int)

ReturnReturns the String after a given index. @param part the CHARACTER WORD or SENTENCE to retrieve @param index an index within the text @return the letter word or sentence
Class AccessibleText, String getAtIndex(int, int)

ReturnReturns the String at a given index. @param part the CHARACTER WORD or SENTENCE to retrieve @param index an index within the text @return the letter word or sentence
Class AccessibleText, String getBeforeIndex(int, int)

ReturnReturns the String before a given index. @param part the CHARACTER WORD or SENTENCE to retrieve @param index an index within the text @return the letter word or sentence
Class AccessibleText, int getCaretPosition()

ReturnReturns the zero-based offset of the caret. Note: That to the right of the caret will have the same index value as the offset (the caret is between two characters). @return the zero-based offset of the caret.
Class AccessibleText, int getCharCount()

ReturnReturns the number of characters (valid indicies) @return the number of characters
Class AccessibleText, AttributeSet getCharacterAttribute(int)

ReturnReturns the AttributeSet for a given character at a given index @param i the zero-based index into the text @return the AttributeSet of the character
Class AccessibleText, Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int)

DetermineDetermines the bounding box of the character at the given index into the string. The bounds are returned in local coordinates. If the index is invalid an empty rectangle is returned. @param i the index into the String @return the screen coordinates of the character's the bounding box if index is invalid returnsreturn an empty rectangle.
Class AccessibleText, int getIndexAtPoint(Point)

Given a point in local coordinates return the zero-based index of the character under that Point. If the point is invalid this method returns -1. @param p the Point in local coordinates @return the zero-based index of the character under Point p; if Point is invalid returnsreturn -1.
Class AccessibleText, int CHARACTER

Constant used to indicate that the part of the text that should be retrieved is a character. @see #getAtIndex @see #getAfterIndex @see #getBeforeIndex
Class AccessibleText, int SENTENCE

Constant used to indicate that the part of the text that should be retrieved is a sentence. @see #getAtIndex @see #getAfterIndex @see #getBeforeIndex
Class AccessibleText, int WORD

Constant used to indicate that the part of the text that should be retrieved is a word. @see #getAtIndex @see #getAfterIndex @see #getBeforeIndex

Class AccessibleValue

The AccessibleValue interface should be supported by any object that supports a numerical value (e.g. a scroll bar). This interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to determine and set the numerical value as well as get the minimum and maximum values. Applications can determine if an object supports the AccessibleValue interface by first obtaining its AccessibleContext (see an then calling the AccessibleContext#getAccessibleValue method. If the return value is not null the object supports this interface. @see Accessible @see Accessible#getAccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleValue @version 1.8 089 10/2612/98 2199 15:1441:1354 @author Peter Korn @author Hans Muller @author Willie Walker