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Class javax.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet

Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed Constructors
AccessibleStateSet(AccessibleState[]) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a new state with the initial set of states contained in the array of states passed in.
AccessibleStateSet(void) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a new empty state set.

Changed Methods
boolean add(AccessibleState) Documentation changed from old to new.
Adds a new state to the current state set if it is not already present.
void addAll(AccessibleState[]) Documentation changed from old to new.
Adds all of the states to the existing state set.
void clear() Documentation changed from old to new.
Removes all the states from the current state set.
boolean contains(AccessibleState) Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks if the current state is in the state set.
boolean remove(AccessibleState) Documentation changed from old to new.
Removes a state from the current state set.
AccessibleState[] toArray() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the current state set as an array of AccessibleState
String toString() Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a localized String representing all the states in the set using the default locale.