Added Methods |
void addHierarchyBoundsListener(HierarchyBoundsListener )
Adds the specified hierarchy bounds listener to receive hierarchy bounds events from this component when the hierarchy to which this container belongs changes. |
void addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener )
Adds the specified hierarchy listener to receive hierarchy changed events from this component when the hierarchy to which this container belongs changes. |
AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
Get the AccessibleContext associated with this Component |
GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration()
Get the GraphicsConfiguration associated with this Component . |
EventListener[] getListeners(Class )
Return an array of all the listeners that were added to the Component with addXXXListener() where XXX is the name of the listenerType argument. |
void processHierarchyBoundsEvent(HierarchyEvent )
Processes hierarchy bounds events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered HierarchyBoundsListener objects. |
void processHierarchyEvent(HierarchyEvent )
Processes hierarchy events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered HierarchyListener objects. |
void removeHierarchyBoundsListener(HierarchyBoundsListener )
Removes the specified hierarchy bounds listener so that it no longer receives hierarchy bounds events from this component. |
void removeHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener )
Removes the specified hierarchy listener so that it no longer receives hierarchy changed events from this component. |
Changed Methods |
void addInputMethodListener(InputMethodListener )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Adds the specified input method listener to receive input method events from this component. |
AWTEvent coalesceEvents(AWTEvent, AWTEvent)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Potentially coalesce an event being posted with an existing event. |
void enableInputMethods(boolean )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Enables or disables input method support for this component. |
Color getForeground()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the foreground color of this component. |
Graphics getGraphics()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Creates a graphics context for this component. |
int getHeight()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Return the current height of this component. |
InputContext getInputContext()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the input context used by this component for handling the communication with input methods when text is entered in this component. |
InputMethodRequests getInputMethodRequests()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the input method request handler which supports requests from input methods for this component. |
int getWidth()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Return the current width of this component. |
int getX()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Return the current x coordinate of the components origin. |
int getY()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Return the current y coordinate of the components origin. |
boolean hasFocus()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns true if this Component has the keyboard focus. |
boolean imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Repaints the component when the image has changed. |
boolean isDisplayable()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Determines whether this component is displayable. |
boolean isLightweight()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
A lightweight component doesn't have a native toolkit peer. |
boolean isOpaque()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns true if this component is completely opaque returns false by default. |
void paint(Graphics )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Paints this component. |
void processEvent(AWTEvent )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Processes events occurring on this component. |
void processInputMethodEvent(InputMethodEvent )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Processes input method events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered InputMethodListener objects. |
void removeInputMethodListener(InputMethodListener )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes the specified input method listener so that it no longer receives input method events from this component. |
void setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Set the language-sensitive orientation that is to be used to order the elements or text within this component. |
void setCursor(Cursor )
Documentation changed from old to new. Changed from synchronized to non-synchronized.
Sets the cursor image to the specified cursor. |
void setDropTarget(DropTarget )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Associate a DropTarget with this Component. |
int checkImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the status of the construction of a screen representation of the specified image. |
Point getLocation()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets the location of this component in the form of a point specifying the component's top-left corner. |