Added Methods |
boolean getLockingKeyState(int )
Returns whether the given locking key on the keyboard is currently in its "on" state. |
PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame, String, JobAttributes, PageAttributes)
Gets a PrintJob object which is the result of initiating a print operation on the toolkit's platform. |
Map mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight )
Returns a map of visual attributes for the abstract level description of the given input method highlight or null if no mapping is found. |
void setLockingKeyState(int, boolean)
Sets the state of the given locking key on the keyboard. |
Changed Methods |
void addAWTEventListener(AWTEventListener, long)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Adds an AWTEventListener to receive all AWTEvents dispatched system-wide that conform to the given eventMask . |
Cursor createCustomCursor(Image, Point, String)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Creates a new custom cursor object. |
Dimension getBestCursorSize(int, int)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the supported cursor dimension which is closest to the desired sizes. |
FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
This returns integer metrics for the default screen. |
int getMaximumCursorColors()
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns the maximum number of colors the Toolkit supports in a custom cursor palette. |
void loadSystemColors(int[] )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Fills in the integer array that is supplied as an argument with the current system color values. |
void removeAWTEventListener(AWTEventListener )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Removes an AWTEventListener from receiving dispatched AWTEvents. |
void setDesktopProperty(String, Object)
Changed from synchronized to non-synchronized.
set the named desktop property to the specified value and fire a property change event to notify any listeners that the value has changed |
Image createImage(String )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file. |
Image createImage(URL )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL. |
Image getImage(String )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file whose format can be either GIF JPEG or PNG. |
Image getImage(URL )
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL. |
PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame, String, Properties)
Documentation changed from old to new. |
Gets a PrintJob object which is the result of initiating a print operation on the toolkit's platform. |